Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Ryanair drives me insane.
They manage to find a way to make people go crazy. We got to the airport yesterday, in good time as I did not pay to much attention to departure time, my mistake.
When we got in, the airline was smart enough to put gate number on the board, but what that then automatically will do to people is to make everybody in there think: create a queue.

So people stood there to queue for 1.5 hours, why do they do this??
Is it that hard to give people a seat number, it can’t be! Just make people choose there chair online, if you are late checking in then sorry but you probably get to sit alone.

Then when queue finally starts moving then next problem arise, getting in to the plain, why isn’t there someone saying to everyone to move towards the middle??
The people that start to get on board the plan from the back and the front they always take the seats close to the back or the front!!

What im tying to say is first of all, what is wrong with the human kind… secondly the airline should know that people behave like this so why not make everyone’s day a bit more pleasant by just helping out guiding the very lost humans…

But still I always book my ticked with ryanair, so I guess the concept really works, or maybe am I just a cheap bastard...

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